Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So, everyone else jumped off a Bridge..

All my friends seem to have fun blogs and I don't tend to be a big blogger but I guess in future, I can sorta make a tardy resolution to do some more bloggin of my own. Lately, the girls and I have been spinning and of course knitting it up. I also recently found Ravelry and jumped off that brigde full force and head first. Who knew what a useful place there was like that on the web? Well, TnT and Fiberjinx did. But as true to form, I am a day late and a dollar short. But, I got there now.

As for my recent road trip with TnT to the Woolery, sans a VERY pregnant and overdue Fiberjinx, we headed on down to celebrate the coming of a new cherished item for TnT, a new wheel. To some very rude lady who worked there, she seemed in total amazement that we were in need of an Ashford Joy. She was mystified in the fact that since TnT wasn't on their "mailing list" (ooo didn't know it was a pre-requisite to purchasing) and that she was "starting" with a Joy. Um first, she has no idea if we already had wheels(I did not purchase mine there but am on the guest list I mean mailing list) and second, that's like one of those things in a knitting pattern book that says what level knitter you HAVE to be to perform said feat. If someone were to not know there was a specific level and they wanted to attempt it after reading over it, then rock on with your bad self. So, I was a bit miffed by her obviously ignorant comments. I also think the customer service is seriously lacking there. We had recently had a bath, we had mostly clean clothes on and didn't appear to be vagrants and yet no one greeted us. Also, I had to practically beg for a shopping basket. Yes, that's correct they didn't have them on the sales floor. I have worked retail a year or two in my life and I can tell you if I see someone was carrying an armload of stuff from my store,I offer to get them a basket to help them spend some more..They just watched me dropping stuff. I was really put off by this whole experience. Thank goodness the sole man in the place was intrested in giving T a quick start lesson in the finer points of the Joy as I think we might have left. I can't imagine knowing people drove far to come to my small town and spend their money in my store and ignore them and not even say "Hi". So, brickbats to you The Woolery!! Shame on you! And I am gonna tell everyone who spins too.

As for Fiberjinx, she has recently popped the eviction notice on her womb space and has her a brand spanking new shiney baby girly. Now THAT is crafting DIY to the MAX. Who can blame the baby as it's been mad cold here lately. So, Gratz to you Marggie on your lvling up to Mommy Lvl. It's epic and rare!! I so can't wait to get a moment to come meet her new bundle of joy. And help a sister out. I am not sure if her new eyes have developed (you know the eyes in the back of your head you get as a parent) and the bionic right arm where you can snatch a kid anywhere in the car from a belted- in seated position, but I think she will do a wonderful job!

Well, this should do for what all I am thinking about currently.


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