Saturday, January 17, 2009

So, I guess I didn't follow my plan to blog more, maybe this year??

SO I guess I didn't follow my plan to do more blogging. Well, I think I will give it yet another try like I fell off my bike. I guess you could say life has been a lot different since the last time I seem to have posted. Sort of an o"out with the old, in with the new" sorta thing. I will eventually get rid of all "dead weight". I have been crafting a ton lately which pleases me. I have joined like 3 craft swaps. I hope I am not over my head in this endeavor. I am mostly finished with my most recent swap I joined. I had to craft some batts for my partner. I have to say I was most pleased with them. I will post a pic soon of them. I will be continuing to make a few more for myself as well. I was really happy with the results. I got most of the supplies at last years MS&W Festival..

I also got to be a guest on my friend's podcast called Craft Mentality. Tasha and Amber are doing really well I think with this project. I was really offended at a few rude comments left on iTunes about it though. But whatevaaa.. I know they rock. They can be found at And on iTunes. So, listen in and donate a dollar to the cause of funding the crafty goodness.

I am currently soaking my beans for Amber's tasty present of Bean soup. I can't wait as it is nasty cold (ok I am a Texan and this weather sucks) and warm soup is rockin.

Well this is all I have for now. I will catch up again soon, I hope to do better than previous attempts at this blog thing..


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