Maybe a dream could happen for real??

So it seems that in life we wonder across people who it seems were put there for a specific reason. Like fate. Funny that fate, how that seems to always work for those who are nay sayers.
I am hoping that my serendipity comes into fruition for once. I have been feeling on the edge of insanity or geinus for a good bit now so I am convinced it must pay off in the end. It is also nice to find people in the world who share ideas similar to yours and who aren't scared of taking risks.
On the fiber front, spinning my little fingers to the bones. Or so it feels. I decided it would be a good idea to spin a whole pound of fiber for someone and I have no idea how in the world I am going to able to do this but I guess I am gonna find out. And did I mention it is DK weight?? At least it isn't merino...I have one skein down and probably 15 to go...ugh.
I did some fun dye work with warm colors this week and made some batts made of coopworth and some milk fiber and a little glitz for sparkles. I also finished some yarns I had spun and plyed and did one overdye of oatmeal corridale I picked up at Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this year.