Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Next main attraction

for me is building my new website for school. My Site. Check it out. It is mainly for showing my art but I managed to twist it into fiber art as always. I will use it to list my current class lists and what I am currently working on. Be sure to check it off and leave me a comment on the guest book page.
 This semester is going at warp speed. I am glad for some of it and not looking forward still to a test for computer skills I must pass. I know how to use all important programs so who cares if I can't make a spreadsheet?? Last time I made one was 20 years ago almost. So, obviously it isn't that important...really..

Thursday, November 03, 2011

So I might be running like a chicken without a head...

Because I am teaching several classes this weekend at Cornerstone Alpacas. I heard one of my classes is very popular so that's refreshing to hear. I feel like I have been under a world of pressure anyway due to school rounding up to a finish. The work just starts coming faster at the end. I also have to get up to speed on Microsoft Office and pass the exam for school or guess who won't be graduating on time...this girl. This degree will be my degree in Studio Art with a Craft emphasis. Also on the plate recently we opened the new Hot Glass shop at the Chrysler Museum. That was best described as a symphony of chaos and destruction. So, the next few weeks are gonna be ridiculous. Oh and did I mention the 18 credit hours I take in school. Of those, all but 3 credits (1 class) is production art where I must produce art. Ha ha ha. So, if you see me running by with my hair on fire, you'll know why...

Cornerstone Alpacas