Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Edge of Insanity or Greatness..

So I have decided that I am either on the edge of greatness or insanity. I have this notion that great artsy things are going to sprinf forth from me and I can't seem to channel the energy. Ugh! I want to create but when I go to do so, it's like a failure to launch. It has driven me crazy for weeks now. Possibly months. Have you ever wanted to just make things and it just doesn't seem to want to come out? I make yarn and that doesn't suffice the need. I knit and crochet and that isn't doing it either. I am going to go to art school here next month. Maybe I will find it there. I sure hope so because I am busting at the seams with something and I don't seem to know just what it is...Ughhhh

Saturday, July 24, 2010

yarn yarn yarn

So I have finished a new skien today. It made me smile so I took fun pictures of it.
This is from BFL dyed by my Craftster pal UntouchableFace. I love the pink and green together.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Well Crap another year ran by this thing..

So again I make another pledge to attempt to be sorta diligent in my persuit of a blog. I am having more reasons that ever to find things to write about. My wonderful boyfriend who is an infinite source of humor I did not know was possible. Quitting my day job which has sucked the life from my very veins. Got a job at the LYS which happens to be a dream of mine which a friend was kind enough to suggest me for. T, I am eternally greatful! And again, persue a degree that I paid for with blood sweat and tears in the military. I sort of have so many new things to be thankful for. Funny how out with the old makes way for things with new vigor. My crafty block has lifted again too thank goodness.

Anyway, here's to another attempt at this poop.