Friday, January 26, 2007

Ok So I switched this over

I managed to figure out how to sign back in now that I converted this to the new blogger style. I was just reading my friend Hayley's blog and laughing at the zest and zeal that is Hayley monster. I only hope one day my kids can be half as cool as her. What a crazy fun smart kid.

So, I have money burning a hole in my pocket. What shall I buy?? Yarn..perhaps...I finished the first of my Yukon leaves socks in Lorna's Laces Black Purl. Super cool. With a little help from my fairy godmother Rachael. I don't understand how come it is that I can't ever figure out the kitchner stitch until she is reading it out to me. So, I finally achieved a sock toe that I envy. Yea me! One day, I may even get my digital camera back from Florida and post a picture. I should include the pair I knit before that only took me a year to complete. Second sock syndrome insued and I thought it was lost. Then I realized that I had 2 pairs of Addis stuck and the only way I would dare remove them after knitting that long ribbed cuff was to knit them off. So, I fished my first pair. Yea me again!

Well, I am off to destroy the world with my accomplice Rachael..

Monday, January 08, 2007

Well Then

It has come to my attention that people actually do read my blog and that I possible should think of updateing it. So, for my fabulous fans...I give you my post for this day. I have to come up with something better than this but this will have to sufice. I have started this new idea of cleaning up my cluttery home with the Fly Lady method. Dear God is there hope for real for my crap nest?? Indeed there must be according to FlyLady so I did the first step, polish and shine your sink. And yes, like she said, it made me smile to see it.