Monday, August 09, 2010

Riding Through the Danger Zone...

So I was watching Top Gun for the eleventy seventh time and typing up my papers for the crochet classes I guess I get to teach now. There is hardly a movie not rated X that has hotter men than Top Gun, especially the vollyball scene.Funny, when I was in the Navy and all the times I sat out by the volleyball court, I never saw a game that looked that good. Sadly, due to idiocy on his part, I refuse to watch many of Tom's movies anymore. I just think he lost sight of reality. Anyway, no soapbox needed.

So I am making some handouts for my class and reading up on teaching a needle-craft. I have no idea why I am nervous about teaching because I know I can do it. I just wanted to reduce the package of shite we hand out to students because the old packet was way too much info. I can't understand why the previous person thought thought that handing a person 26 pages of crap was going to help you learn something. I am also not too thrilled about attempting to teach a 9 year old how to crochet. I could one-on-one easily. But add more people to the mix and you got issues.

I recently read in the latest issue of Twist Collective some rules about Yarn store ettiqute. I don't know that I agreed whole heartedly but I have to say they were good rules to live by. I wish we could post some of the rules around the store and possibly consider tossing people out the front door for bringing nasty attitudes.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Edge Still nearing..

So I still haven't made it to sanity or creation. If TCC has their way it is going to be insanity for sure. They reminded me today why it is that the GI Bill is still like being in the military. Hurry up and wait, and wait for us to tell you that you are waiting for nothing in the wrong line too. And they act like they were just suprised as I was. Um no, you have no idea what stream-line means though I can assure you. Sure, I will go clear across town to Portsmouth because you can't look at my classes and tell me it's ok to take those 4. Not my first rodeo so I think I got this. I can also read the school catalog thank you very much. I think I understand what is in my curiculum. Special people.

In other news, Rob Fuckin Zombie rocked my world at Mayham Fest last night. I was pleasantly surprised at the performance. The stage set was sweet and full of great old videos from movies before they were "talkies". It was awesome. Sadly, Jonathan Davis and Korn sucked. Is it wrong that I was more intrested in his mike stand that none other than H.R.Geiger made him?