Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
First Fiber Confessions
Well, here it is no telling what hour of the day and I am browsing fiber on ebay like a cat stalking some prey. Today's catch-cheingora, that's doghair! I think they just give it some super special name but it really lovely looking super fluff from a Great Pyranees doggie. So, lets hope I win that action. I think I am hording again in fear that I am getting out of the military soon and I am hoping to suppliment what ever income (probably retail management like old days) with handspun. I am also enjoying making spindles and thinking of selling more of those due to the unexpected sucsess of the last few I made. People always consider how in the world can I turn my hobby into a paycheck. Well I intend to figure that out.